
ReactiveCocoa SignalProducers for Alamofire.

This is a sub-framework of a ReactiveCocoaConvenience. There are more sub-frameworks adding extra ReactiveCocoa functionality including one adding SwiftyJSON support with ReactiveCocoa and Alamofire. This project is fully documented.




Network requests can be done using NSURLSession methods from ReactiveCocoa:

let searchResults = searchStrings
    .flatMap(.Latest) { (query: String) -> SignalProducer<(NSData, NSURLResponse), NSError> in
        let URLRequest = self.searchRequestWithEscapedQuery(query)
        return NSURLSession.sharedSession().rac_dataWithRequest(URLRequest)
    .map { (data, URLResponse) -> String in
        let string = String(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)!
        return self.parseJSONResultsFromString(string)

This is great functionality however 3rd party libraries can offer simplifications to NSURLSession APIs. Alamofire Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift is a great library. Network requests are made as follows:

Alamofire.request(.GET, "", parameters: ["foo": "bar"])
     .responseJSON { response in
         switch response.result {
         case .Success:
             print("Validation Successful")
         case .Failure(let error):

Completion closure based APIs don’t natually fit with ReactiveCocoa and make it hard to chain signals together. Using ReactiveCocoaConvenience-Alamofire, a SignalProducer can be created for this request:

let p: SignalProducer<AnyObject, NSError>
p = Alamofire.request(.GET, "", parameters: ["foo": "bar"])

Alamofire provides Built-in Response Methods:

  • response()
  • responseData()
  • responseString(encoding: NSStringEncoding)
  • responseJSON(options: NSJSONReadingOptions)
  • responsePropertyList(options: NSPropertyListReadOptions)

Each of these has a ReactiveCocoa equivalent

  • rac_response()
  • rac_responseData()
  • rac_responseString(encoding: NSStringEncoding)
  • rac_responseJSON(options: NSJSONReadingOptions)
  • rac_responsePropertyList(options: NSPropertyListReadOptions)

ReactiveCocoaConvenience-Alamofire-SwiftyJSON takes this a stage further by support for SwiftyJSON JSON object serialisation and adding initialisation of any object that can be initialised with a JSON object.

Simpler, neater code is easier to understand and maintain. Reduce boilerplate and spend more time writing standout features for your app. See ReactiveCocoaConvenience for more ways you can speed up development using ReactiveCocoa.