Reactive Cocoa Convenience

Core Convenience functionality on top of ReactiveCocoa.

This is a sub-framework of a parent project of the same name. There are more sub-frameworks adding extra ReactiveCocoa functionality to other 3rd Party libraries. This project is fully documented.



Examples from the ReactiveCocoa ReadMe can be simplified using ReactiveCocoaConvenience:

let searchStrings = textField.rac_textSignal()
  .map { text in text as! String }


let searchStrings = tetxField.rac_textSignalProducer()

In order to bind this to a MutableProperty:

searchProperty <~ textField.rac_textSignal()
  .map { text in text as! String }
  .flatMapError { _ in return SignalProducer<String?, NoError>.empty }


searchProperty <~ textField.rac_textSignalProducer()

Binding the text entered on pressing the return key to a label:

        .map({ $0 as! UITextField })
        .startWithNext({ textField in 
            self.myLabel.text = textField.text


myLabel.rac_text = textField.rac_signalProducerForControlEvents(.EditingDidEndOnExit)
  .map { $0.text }

Simpler code is easier to understand and maintain. That is the goal of this sub-framework. More extensions will be added over time.

ReactiveCocoa ‘MutableProperty’s

Inspired by Colin Eberhart’s blog post MVVM With ReactiveCocoa I wanted to simplify the code to bind variables to and from UIKit components.

Extensions have been to added to UIKit classes to give MutableProperty equivalents to UIKit properties that will often change as a result of a Signal or SignalProducer:

  rac_hidden: MutableProperty<Bool>
  rac_alpha: MutableProperty<CGFloat>

  rac_enabled: MutableProperty<Bool>

UILabel, UITextField, and UITextView:
  rac_text: MutableProperty<String?>
  rac_attributedText: MutableProperty<NSAttributedString?>

Typed Signals

ReactiveCocoa provides many signals from UIKit components, however these tend to be RACSignal classes, not the newer Swift generic Signal or SignalProducer classes. To use these in Swift projects requires boilerplate mapping and force unwrapping. These mappings have wrapped up in convenience functions:

  rac_signProducerForEvents(_:) -> SignalProducer<UIControl, NoError>

UITextField and UITextView:
  rac_textSignalProducer() -> SignalProducer<String?, NoError>